Tuesday, October 15, 2013

ORA-15053: diskgroup "OCR_VOTE" contains existing files

## Error

ORA-15053: diskgroup "OCR_VOTE" contains existing files

### Full Error

SQL> Drop diskgroup OCR_VOTE;
Drop diskgroup OCR_VOTE
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-15039: diskgroup not dropped
ORA-15053: diskgroup "OCR_VOTE" contains existing files

#  Error Occurred

Error occured while trying to drop one of the diskgroup in ASM version

## Command Executed

In ASM Instance Sqlplus,

Drop diskgroup OCR_VOTE;

## Issue Description.


# 1) Check the Files Stored in ASM Diskgroup

Disk group is not getting dropped because it has some files stored. Use the below query to find the files stored in Diskgroup.

set lines 200
col full_path for a110
SELECT full_path, dir, sys FROM (SELECT CONCAT('+'||gname,SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(aname,'/')) full_path,dir, sys FROM (SELECT g.name gname,a.parent_index pindex, a.name

aname,a.reference_index rindex, a.ALIAS_DIRECTORY dir,a.SYSTEM_CREATED sys FROM v$asm_alias a, v$asm_diskgroup g WHERE a.group_number = g.group_number) START WITH

(MOD(pindex, POWER(2, 24))) = 0 CONNECT BY PRIOR rindex = pindex ORDER BY dir desc, full_path asc)

FULL_PATH                                                                                                      D S
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -
+OCR_VOTE/dev-cluster                                                                                         Y Y
+OCR_VOTE/dev-cluster/OCRFILE                                                                                 Y Y
+OCR_VOTE/dev-cluster/OCRFILE/REGISTRY.255.828701551                                                          N Y

## Solution

Move/Drop the Files stored in the diskgroup before dropping, else use the below option to drop the diskgroup.

Drop diskgroup OCR_VOTE including contents;

SQL> Drop diskgroup OCR_VOTE including contents;

Diskgroup dropped.

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