Wednesday, November 8, 2017

How to install and Configure AWSCLI to your account in windows machine?

**************************************** Step By Step Approach ******************************************************

# 1) Download AWSCLI

For 64 bit Windows

For 32 bit windows


# 2) Install the software

Open the msi file,

Click Next,

Choose the Software Location, for 64 bit windows machine by default it will be "C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLI"

Click Finish to complete the installation.


# 3) Setup PATH Variable

Go to Run(Windows + R) and type systempropertiesadvanced and then ok.

In Startup and Recovery box, click on Environment Variables.

Choose, PATH from the "system variables" and Click Edit.

Add ";C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLI\" at the end of the value and Click ok.


# 4) Verify if AWSCLI can be invoked

Go to command prompt and type "aws --version"


# 5) Configure AWSCLI

To Configure AWSCLI with your account, you need below details.

a) Access Key ID
b) Secret Access Key
c) Default region
d) Output of the commands to be displayed like text,table or json.

For Access Key ID and Secret Access Key, Go to AWS Console page, Click on your name and choose "My Security Credentials"

You can generate a new Access key if you dont have a Secret Access Key. Click "Create New Access Key"

Make a note of the note of the keys and download the keyfile for future use.

Configuration of AWSCLI


# 6) Verify if it works

Now we have configured an account with AWSCLI. Verify if it retries the information from AWS.

aws iam get-user

From above output, we can confirm that AWSCLI is configured to use an account.

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