Thursday, December 27, 2012

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcidr_io_check_common_6], [4], [H:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA\ORA11G\ORA11G\CONTROL02.CTL], [16384], [1], [0]

#  Error

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcidr_io_check_common_6], [4], [H:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA\ORA11G\ORA11G\CONTROL02.CTL], [16384], [1], [0],

#  Full Error 

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcidr_io_check_common_6], [4], [H:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA\ORA11G\ORA11G\CONTROL02.CTL], [16384], [1], [0], [], [], [], [], [], []
ORA-27046: file size is not a multiple of logical block size
OSD-04000: logical block size mismatch (OS 16384)
ORA-00210: cannot open the specified control file
ORA-27048: skgfifi: file header information is invalid
OSD-04001: invalid logical block size (OS 538984480)

#  Cause

Error occurred while trying to startup the database of version. Database is not mounted and its saying that Controlfile cant be opened.

#  Command Executed


## Solution


Initially i tried to investigate with the error, ORA-600 which led me saying that this is Bug 13256753  in this version of the database which is because of the INVALID file name. This answer doesnt satisfy me, so i tried to look into the other errors associated with the ORA-600.

So when i looked into the other errors, it shows that Controlfile header is corrupted. I tried to confirm it by running DBV which also notified that controlfile header is corrupted.


DBVERIFY: Release - Production on Thu Dec 27 20:04:30 2012
Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

DBV-00107: Unknown header format (194) (2054913149)

I'm lucky enough to have mirrored controlfiles, so shutdown the database, copied the mirrored controlfiles to the corrupted file location and renamed it to the corrupted one.

Database is now Up and Running :D

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

ORA-30036: unable to extend segment by 8 in undo tablespace 'UNDOTBS1'

#  Error

ORA-30036: unable to extend segment by 8 in undo tablespace 'UNDOTBS1'

#  Full Error 

ORA-39171: Job is experiencing a resumable wait.
ORA-30036: unable to extend segment by 8 in undo tablespace 'UNDOTBS1'
ORA-39171: Job is experiencing a resumable wait.
ORA-30036: unable to extend segment by 8 in undo tablespace 'UNDOTBS1'

#  Cause

Error occurred while trying to import a schema using datapump of version.

#  Command Executed

impdp -- Schema Import

## Solution


1) Index maintenance activity will be performed when impdp import is in progress, so disable the primary key constraints in the tables, then undo generation will be less and import will be successful.

2) In case if import is still failling after disabling primary constraints then try to add some more space to UNDO tablespace.

For me 1st solution worked.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

RMAN-06617: UNTIL TIME (****) is ahead of last NEXT TIME in archived logs (****)

#  Error

RMAN-06617: UNTIL TIME (12-DEC-12) is ahead of last NEXT TIME in archived logs (12-DEC-12)

#  Full Error 

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03002: failure of Duplicate Db command at 12/12/2012 08:41:01
RMAN-06617: UNTIL TIME (12-DEC-12) is ahead of last NEXT TIME in archived logs (12-DEC-12)

#  Cause

Error occured while trying to duplicate a database of version.

#  Command Executed

duplicate database to dup11r2

until time "To_Date('12-DEC-2012 07:40:38','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')"
SET CONTROL_FILES='H:\app\Administrator\oradata\DUP11R2\control01.ctl'
set db_file_name_convert='H:\app\Administrator\oradata\ora11g','H:\app\Administrator\oradata\DUP11R2'
set log_file_name_convert='H:\app\Administrator\oradata\ora11g','H:\app\Administrator\oradata\DUP11R2'
backup location 'H:\app\Administrator\backup\ORA11G';

## Solution


Set Until time used is ahead of the next_time of the last backed up archivelog.

select sequence#,completion_time,next_time from v$archived_log order by 2

---------- -------------------- --------------------
       176 12-DEC-2012 07:33:31 12-DEC-2012 07:33:27
       177 12-DEC-2012 07:40:29 12-DEC-2012 07:40:28

So the next_time of the last backed up sequence 177 is "12-DEC-2012 07:40:28". Duplication is successful with this timestamp.

duplicate database to dup11r2
until time "To_Date('12-DEC-2012 07:40:28','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')"
SET CONTROL_FILES='H:\app\Administrator\oradata\DUP11R2\control01.ctl'
set db_file_name_convert='H:\app\Administrator\oradata\ora11g','H:\app\Administrator\oradata\DUP11R2'
set log_file_name_convert='H:\app\Administrator\oradata\ora11g','H:\app\Administrator\oradata\DUP11R2'
backup location 'H:\app\Administrator\backup\ORA11G';

RMAN-06457: UNTIL SCN (****) is ahead of last SCN in archived logs (****)

#  Error

RMAN-06457: UNTIL SCN (3680420) is ahead of last SCN in archived logs (3680404)

#  Full Error 

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03002: failure of Duplicate Db command at 12/12/2012 08:09:45
RMAN-06457: UNTIL SCN (3680420) is ahead of last SCN in archived logs (3680404)

#  Cause

Error occured while trying to duplicate a database of version.

#  Command Executed

duplicate database to dup11r2
until time "To_Date('12-DEC-2012 07:40:38','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')"
SET CONTROL_FILES='H:\app\Administrator\oradata\DUP11R2\control01.ctl'
set db_file_name_convert='H:\app\Administrator\oradata\ora11g','H:\app\Administrator\oradata\DUP11R2'
set log_file_name_convert='H:\app\Administrator\oradata\ora11g','H:\app\Administrator\oradata\DUP11R2'
backup location 'H:\app\Administrator\backup\ORA11G';

## Solution


Set Until time used is ahead of the next_time of the last backed up archivelog.

select sequence#,completion_time,next_time from v$archived_log order by 2

---------- -------------------- --------------------
       176 12-DEC-2012 07:33:31 12-DEC-2012 07:33:27
       177 12-DEC-2012 07:40:29 12-DEC-2012 07:40:28

So the next_time of the last backed up sequence 177 is "12-DEC-2012 07:40:28". Duplication is successful with this timestamp.

duplicate database to dup11r2
until time "To_Date('12-DEC-2012 07:40:28','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')"
SET CONTROL_FILES='H:\app\Administrator\oradata\DUP11R2\control01.ctl'
set db_file_name_convert='H:\app\Administrator\oradata\ora11g','H:\app\Administrator\oradata\DUP11R2'
set log_file_name_convert='H:\app\Administrator\oradata\ora11g','H:\app\Administrator\oradata\DUP11R2'
backup location 'H:\app\Administrator\backup\ORA11G';

RMAN-05537: DUPLICATE without TARGET connection when auxiliary instance is started with spfile cannot use SPFILE clause

#  Error

RMAN-05537: DUPLICATE without TARGET connection when auxiliary instance is started with spfile cannot use SPFILE clause

#  Full Error 

Starting Duplicate Db at 12-DEC-12
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03002: failure of Duplicate Db command at 12/12/2012 08:27:52
RMAN-05537: DUPLICATE without TARGET connection when auxiliary instance is started with spfile cannot use SPFILE clause

#  Cause

Error occured while trying to duplicate a database of version.

#  Command Executed

duplicate database to dup11r2
until time "To_Date('12-DEC-2012 07:40:29','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')"
SET CONTROL_FILES='H:\app\Administrator\oradata\DUP11R2\control01.ctl'
set db_file_name_convert='H:\app\Administrator\oradata\ora11g','H:\app\Administrator\oradata\DUP11R2'
set log_file_name_convert='H:\app\Administrator\oradata\ora11g','H:\app\Administrator\oradata\DUP11R2'
backup location 'H:\app\Administrator\backup\ORA11G';

## Solution


Auxiliary Database (Dup11r2) is started up with spfile. Here we are doing duplication without connecting to target or catalog database.

While starting the duplication, RMAN will restore the spfile from the backup location we have used and it will set the dbname, controlfiles, log_file_name_convert and db_file_name_convert parameters in the newly restored spfile and then it will startup using the spfile.

C:\Users\Administrator>sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed Dec 12 08:28:21 2012

Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

SQL> sho parameter spfile

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
spfile                               string      H:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\PRODUCT\1
SQL> shu immediate
ORA-01507: database not mounted

ORACLE instance shut down.

So when duplicating a database without connecting to target or catalog, we should start the auxiliary database with pfile only.

RMAN-05542: Only UNTIL TIME can be used with DUPLICATE without TARGET and CATALOG connections

#  Error

RMAN-05542: Only UNTIL TIME can be used with DUPLICATE without TARGET and CATALOG connections

#  Full Error 

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03002: failure of Duplicate Db command at 12/12/2012 08:35:35
RMAN-05542: Only UNTIL TIME can be used with DUPLICATE without TARGET and CATALOG connections

#  Cause

Error occured while trying to duplicate a database of version.

#  Command Executed

duplicate database to dup11r2
until scn 3587956
SET CONTROL_FILES='H:\app\Administrator\oradata\DUP11R2\control01.ctl'
set db_file_name_convert='H:\app\Administrator\oradata\ora11g','H:\app\Administrator\oradata\DUP11R2'
set log_file_name_convert='H:\app\Administrator\oradata\ora11g','H:\app\Administrator\oradata\DUP11R2'
backup location 'H:\app\Administrator\backup\ORA11G';

## Solution


Here we are doing duplication without connecting to target or catalog database. So we have to use UNTIL TIME parameter.

After changing UNTIL SCN to UNTIL TIME parameter, duplication process was successful.

duplicate database to dup11r2
until time "To_Date('12-DEC-2012 07:40:28','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')"
SET CONTROL_FILES='H:\app\Administrator\oradata\DUP11R2\control01.ctl'
set db_file_name_convert='H:\app\Administrator\oradata\ora11g','H:\app\Administrator\oradata\DUP11R2'
set log_file_name_convert='H:\app\Administrator\oradata\ora11g','H:\app\Administrator\oradata\DUP11R2'
backup location 'H:\app\Administrator\backup\ORA11G';

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Create a new listener with different port numbers (Non Default Port)

Create a new listener with different port numbers 

We are going to add a new listener named lsnr_10g_1533 Which is going to use port 1533

#  1) Check how Many Listeners are Running

+ASM @ my_server:/opt/oracle/product/10.2/db_a/network/admin
> ps -ef|grep tns
  oracle  4933     1   0   Jul 17 ?          16:23 /opt/oracle/product/10.2/db_a/bin/tnslsnr lsnr_10g -inherit
  oracle  4949     1   0   Jul 17 ?          33:49 /opt/oracle/product/10.2/db_a/bin/tnslsnr lsnr_10g_1532 -inherit
  oracle  4946     1   0   Jul 17 ?           6:17 /opt/oracle/product/10.2/db_a/bin/tnslsnr lsnr_10g_1531 -inherit
  oracle  4517  4062   0 23:27:17 pts/2       0:00 grep tns

#  2) Find the home where other Listeners are Running

Here Our listeners are running in ASM HOME

#  3) Edit Listener.ora

Add below entry in LISTENER.ORA file.

Here we are using a different Port number 1533. Default port is 1521. And also in SID_LIST_LSNR_10G_1533, we are specifying for which databases the listener has to listen.

LSNR_10G_1533 =
      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1533)(QUEUESIZE=99))

SID_LIST_LSNR_10G_1533 =
    (SID_DESC =
      (ORACLE_HOME = /opt/oracle/product/10.2/db_a)
      (SID_NAME = mydb_1)
    (SID_DESC =
      (ORACLE_HOME = /opt/oracle/product/10.2/db_a)
      (SID_NAME = mydb_2)

## 4) Start the Listener

+ASM @ my_server:/opt/oracle/product/10.2/db_a/network/admin
> lsnrctl start LSNR_10G_1533

LSNRCTL for Solaris: Version - Production on 05-DEC-2012 23:28:10

Copyright (c) 1991, 2006, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Starting /opt/oracle/product/10.2/db_a/bin/tnslsnr: please wait...

TNSLSNR for Solaris: Version - Production
System parameter file is /opt/oracle/product/10.2/db_a/network/admin/listener.ora
Log messages written to /opt/oracle/product/10.2/db_a/network/log/lsnr_10g_1533.log
Listening on: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=my_server)(PORT=1533)))

Alias                     LSNR_10G_1533
Version                   TNSLSNR for Solaris: Version - Production
Start Date                05-DEC-2012 23:28:10
Uptime                    0 days 0 hr. 0 min. 0 sec
Trace Level               off
Security                  ON: Local OS Authentication
SNMP                      OFF
Listener Parameter File   /opt/oracle/product/10.2/db_a/network/admin/listener.ora
Listener Log File         /opt/oracle/product/10.2/db_a/network/log/lsnr_10g_1533.log
Listening Endpoints Summary...
Services Summary...
Service "" has 1 instance(s).
  Instance "mydb_2", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
Service "" has 1 instance(s).
  Instance "mydb_1", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
The command completed successfully

## 5) check Listener is running or not

+ASM @ my_server:/opt/oracle/product/10.2/db_a/network/admin
> ps -ef|grep tns
  oracle  4933     1   0   Jul 17 ?          16:23 /opt/oracle/product/10.2/db_a/bin/tnslsnr lsnr_10g -inherit
  oracle  4949     1   0   Jul 17 ?          33:49 /opt/oracle/product/10.2/db_a/bin/tnslsnr lsnr_10g_1532 -inherit
  oracle  4946     1   0   Jul 17 ?           6:17 /opt/oracle/product/10.2/db_a/bin/tnslsnr lsnr_10g_1531 -inherit
  oracle  4551     1   0 23:28:11 ?           0:00 /opt/oracle/product/10.2/db_a/bin/tnslsnr LSNR_10G_1533 -inherit

## 6) Test whether new listener working or not

Add below TNS entry in TNSNAMES.ora and try connecting the database with this newly created listener. =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1533))

## 7) Establish SQL session and check

+ASM @ my_server:/opt/oracle/product/10.2/db_a/network/admin
> sqlplus system/

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Dec 5 23:35:18 2012

Copyright (c) 1982, 2006, Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

SQL> select name,open_mode from v$database;

--------- ----------
mydb_2    READ WRITE

SQL> exit

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

TABLESPACE Status Not showing as OFFLINE when brought to OFFLINE state from READ ONLY mode

## TABLESPACE Status Not showing as OFFLINE when brought to OFFLINE state from READ ONLY mode 

Yesterday one of my friend was asking that when a TABLESPACE was brought into OFFLINE mode from READ ONLY mode, Command succeeded but still DBA_TABLESPACE shows as READ ONLY and DBA_DATA_FILES shows as AVAILABLE.

So i wanna check this. Lets see how we can find the correct status of the tablespace.

## Place the TABLESPACE in READ ONLY mode

SQL> Alter tablespace users read only;

Tablespace altered.

SQL> Select tablespace_name,status from dba_tablespaces where tablespace_name='USERS';

------------------------------ ---------
USERS                          READ ONLY

SQL> select tablespace_name,status from dba_data_files where tablespace_name='USERS';

------------------------------ ---------
USERS                          AVAILABLE

## Place the TABLESPACE in OFFLINE mode

SQL> alter tablespace users offline;

Tablespace altered.

SQL> Select tablespace_name,status from dba_tablespaces where tablespace_name='USERS';

------------------------------ ---------
USERS                          READ ONLY

SQL> select tablespace_name,status from dba_data_files where tablespace_name='USERS';

------------------------------ ---------
USERS                          AVAILABLE

So When a TABLESPACE mode is changed from READ-ONLY to OFFLINE, it doesnt show up in DBA_DATA_FILES or DBA_TABLESPACES.

## How to check the correct Status of the TABLESPACE

  1. Use V$DATAFILE to know the correct status as the status of the tablespace is recorded in Controlfile.

Select tablespace_name,df.status, name "Datafile"from dba_data_files ddf,v$datafile df where ddf.file_id=df.file# and ddf.tablespace_name='USERS';

TABLESPACE_NAME                STATUS  Datafile
------------------------------ ------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

SQL> select tablespace_name,status from dba_data_files where tablespace_name='USERS';

------------------------------ ---------
USERS                          AVAILABLE

SQL> Select tablespace_name,status from dba_tablespaces where tablespace_name='USERS';

------------------------------ ---------
USERS                          READ ONLY

Create Database Links in another User's name

## Create Database Links in another User's name

Here we are going to create a private database link in MY_ACC user account by logging as SYS user.

DB link name is MY_RPT.

Db link will be created in database remote_db and its username is remote_user.

## DB Link With Tnsnames entry

uid number;
sqltext varchar2(1000) := 'create database link MY_RPT connect to remote_user identified by password using 'remote_db'';
myint integer;
select user_id into uid from dba_users where username like 'MY_ACC';
end ;

## DB Link Without Tnsnames entry

Here TNS entry is not present, so creating the database link using tns entry address.

uid number;
sqltext varchar2(1000) := 'create database link MY_RPT connect to remote_user identified by password using ''(DESCRIPTION =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = host02-vip)(PORT = 1531))
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = host03-vip)(PORT = 1531))
      (SERVICE_NAME = remote_db)
myint integer;
select user_id into uid from dba_users where username like 'MY_ACC';
end ;

Monday, December 3, 2012

Create Blackout using Emcli

Mostly We used to login to the Enterprise Manager to create blackout which will be slow when we are trying to access Client EM from Local machine.

## Easier Way to Create A blackout Using EMCLI :

Logon to the server where database is running and set the Agent envionment .

## Server Blackout

emcli create_blackout -name="Blackout_Name" -reason="reboot due to memory errors" -add_targets="server01:host" -schedule="duration:-1" 

## Server & and its associated databases Blackout

Use propagate_targets to blackout the host and its associated oracle services (database, agent, asm, etc.)

emcli create_blackout -name="Blackout_Name" -reason="reboot due to memory errors" -add_targets="server01:host" -schedule="duration:-1"  -propagate_targets

## Single Database Blackout

emcli create_blackout -name="Blackout_Name" -add_targets="db_name:oracle_database" -schedule="duration:30"

## Multiple Database Blackout

emcli create_blackout -name="Blackout_Name"-reason="Failover" -add_targets="db1_name:oracle_database;db2_name:oracle_database" -schedule="duration:30"

## Blackout for RAC Database

emcli create_blackout -name="Blackout_Name"-reason="Failover" -add_targets="instance_name:oracle_database;cluster_name:rac_database" -schedule="duration:30"

## Unlimited Blackout

emcli create_blackout -name="Blackout_Name"-reason="Failover" -add_targets="instance_name:oracle_database;cluster_name:rac_database" -schedule="frequency:once;duration:-1"

If we give duration = "-1" then it denotes that unlimited Duration

## Show List of Targets in the Blackout

emcli get_blackout_targets -name=Blackout_Name

agent11g @ myserver03:/u01/home/oracle/admin/scripts
> emcli get_blackout_targets -name=Blackout_Name
Target Name  Target Type      Status       Status ID
mydb_2     oracle_database  In Blackout  1
mydb1_2   oracle_database  In Blackout  1
mydb2_2     oracle_database  In Blackout  1
mydb3_2     oracle_database  In Blackout  1

## Check Whether database is in blackout

emcli get_blackouts -target=mydb_1:oracle_database

agent11g @ myserver03:/u01/home/oracle
> emcli get_blackouts -target=mydb_1:oracle_database
Name                              Created By  Status   Status ID  Next Start           Duration  Reason  Frequency  Repeat  Start Time           End Time  Previous End
 TZ Region        TZ Offset

Blackout_name     SYSMAN      Started  4          2012-08-28 16:42:19  -00:01    none    once       none    2012-08-28 16:42:19  none      none      
 America/Chicago  +00:00

If the above command produces output like above then db is under blackout. If no output then db is not under blackout

## Blackout Details

emcli get_blackout_details  -name=failover_03-dec-2012

agent11g @ myserver03:/u01/home/oracle/admin/scripts
> emcli get_blackout_details  -name=failover_03-dec-2012
Status             Status ID  Run Jobs  Next Start           Duration  Reason    Frequency  Repeat  Days  Months  Start Time           End Time  TZ Region   TZ Offset
Start In Progress  1          no        2012-12-03 04:35:24  -00:01    Failover  once       none    none  none    2012-12-03 04:35:24  none      US/Central  +00:00
agent11g @ myserver03:/u01/home/oracle/admin/scripts

## Stop Blackout

emcli stop_blackout -name="Blackout_name"

agent11g @ myserver03:/u01/home/oracle
>emcli stop_blackout -name="Blackout_name"
Blackout "Blackout-Aug 28  2012 4:42:11 PM" stopped successfully

## Delete Blackout

emcli delete_blackout -name=Blackout_name